A daily snippet of a young British man and his life in Santa Cruz, California

Moving Postcard: SantaCruz in the 'fall'

Sunday 9 November 2008

Since I've been in Santa Cruz, full-time, for a full week I thought I'd better snap to it and produce some sort of idea for you - in a manageable time - what the place is like, in the form of moving pictures. Usually these things involve edited footage with nice transitions, subtitles, titles, effects and a soundtrack...

... erm, well it has a soundtrack!

Sights recorded my me yesterday on my wander around town. Sounds recorded by Brothers and Sisters ('California (in the fall)'). Muxed by mencoder. Enjoy y'all!


MariaC said...

hey i love the video, can i do some surfing when i get there.love that lower lip tash!!! is that the 'in-fall look' he he ..love youxx

serenderen said...

oooh it looks just like whitsand bay!!! not really! looks amazing - you been playing volleyball on the beach yet?
x lucy