A daily snippet of a young British man and his life in Santa Cruz, California

The Roaring Camp Railroad

Sunday 21 September 2008

My Fellow Californians:

Make sure you remind me to take a visit for scenic beach and steam train rides. It's in Felton. I must wear pink aprons, back and front.

Progress - the following tings are done (kiss me neck):
- got DS2019
- sevis fee paid
- visa forms filled and interview booked for friday
- domestic affairs organised (banks closed, addresses updated, direct debits ended, new glasses ordered, driving licence new photocard applied for)
- hard drives backed up, cleared, organised. Paper files organised. Office stuff packed and sifted and ready to be driven to london
- other stuff (god this list is pitiful - what the hell have i been doing then?)

Tings not done:
- graduated (this happens tuesday)
- booked flights (this happens after visa interview)
- place to live
- other stuff