A daily snippet of a young British man and his life in Santa Cruz, California

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you .... the Grand Canyon

Monday, 1 June 2009

Some pictures from my latest adventure - a 230 mile trip down the Colorado River with the good people of the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Centre, USGS in Flagstaff Arizona. Thanks to you guys for such a great time!

An experience that will NEVER wear off

Music: "Young and Holtful" by Rae and Christian. A couple of photos provided by Paul Alley (tanks Paul)


blues singer said...

Can we have some words to go with the pictures please ;-)

MariaC said...

yeh i agree with your sister, awesome though...ilked the 'what eddy' on the bakc of the guys shirt..... ..yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh